
Telling a ‘Tale of Two Rivers’

Dan Schulz, Badger Bates, Anne Poelina, Sarah Martin & R. Quentin Grafton The world is at a crossroads and desperately needs pathways towards a safer and more just water future. Climate change; the need for rising food production; rapidly rising incomes that...

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Towards a safer and more just water future

Quentin Grafton and Safa Fanaian, The Australian National University ‘Too much, too little, and too dirty’ sums up the problems underpinning the growing world water crisis. It’s also the title of a just published global review describing the causes and possible...

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The Price and Value of Water

Quentin Grafton, Ana Manero, Long Chu & Paul Wyrwoll (The Australian National University) What’s the value of water? Is that value reflected in the price we pay for it? It’s probably not something many of us think about. Like death and taxes, water bills are just...

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Barriers to access clean water in Canada

For many Canadians, turning on the tap and filling up the glass doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but for others like those in Canada’s Indigenous communities, it’s not that simple. Indigenous First Nations communities in Canada have been grappling with the issue of...

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WaterTalk: Quentin Grafton

As part of the Water Institute's WaterTalks lecture series, Quentin Grafton, Professor of Economics and Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance at the Australian National University (ANU), presents: Responding to the World Water...

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What’s behind Iraq’s water crisis?

Iraq is running out of water since water levels in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers have dropped by half. Iraq’s government blames upstream water use by its neighbours as the primary culprit but has been criticised for not taking any steps at climate mitigation or...

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